H​eard Targets the CRA board — again!

Here we go again! Sarah Heard wasted no time as new chair of the Board of County Commissioners to re-introduce policies from the last time she was chair in 2012. Namely, to abolish the Community Redevelopment Agency board of directors. In 2012, she convinced the 

Only one day left to cast votes for County Commissioners

Time to consider facts, for a change, in your choices Believe it or not, facts DO count. A wave of voter emotion brought on largely by County Commissioner Sarah Heard’s constant drumbeat that over-development is causing today’s traffic congestion wipes out the facts. People are 

Voting Records Do Count in Indiantown

Who’s to blame for Indiantown’s higher taxes? Indiantown residents remember all too clearly the mantra of incorporation: “We can do this without raising taxes.” That was 2017. Now, seven years later, the tax rate will jump from 1.604 to 1.825 in October, with a forecast 

No separation of church and state in Indiantown

Is the Catholic Church taking control of Indiantown’s election? Holy Cross Catholic Church in Indiantown is boldly ignoring Internal Revenue Service rules that prohibit churches from engaging in political campaigning. To do so jeopardizes their vital nonprofit status. Apparently, Juan Carlos Lasso, the church’s religious 

Salerno asks, ‘When will our voices count?’

Although Martin County’s Innovation Hub plan completely alters Port Salerno’s Community Redevelopment Area Vision Plan, last updated in 2009, Salerno residents are told, ”It’s not a CRA project, it’s a county plan.” They are sidelined. When their representative on the CRA Board, Jaime Rolle, asked during